Going out on a date is usually an enjoyable experience. You get to spend time with friends or loved ones, eat delicious food, and have a good time. However, sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where you end up going out with the wrong person. It could be a date gone wrong, a colleague you don’t get along with, or someone who just doesn’t share your values. Here are some tips on how to handle such weird situations;
- Be polite Regardless of how you feel about the person you’re having dinner with, it’s essential to remain polite throughout the meal. Avoid being rude, dismissive, or argumentative. Instead, try to engage in polite conversation, and keep things light and friendly.
- Avoid controversial topics If you know that there are certain topics that you and the person you’re having dinner with disagree on, it’s best to avoid them. Controversial topics such as politics, religion, and money can easily lead to arguments and ruin the mood of the evening. Instead, focus on topics that you both enjoy talking about, such as movies, books, or hobbies.
- Keep the conversation flowing One of the easiest ways to make the evening awkward is by letting the conversation come to a standstill. Try to keep the conversation flowing by asking open-ended questions and actively listening to what the other person has to say. Avoid asking yes or no questions that can quickly lead to dead-end conversations.
- Set boundaries If the person you’re having dinner with starts to make you feel uncomfortable, it’s essential to set boundaries. Be firm and clear about what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. For example, if the person starts making inappropriate jokes, let them know that you don’t find it funny and that it’s not appropriate.
- Focus on the food If all else fails, you can always focus on the food. Try to enjoy the meal and appreciate the effort that went into preparing it. You can also use the food as a conversation starter by asking the other person about their favorite cuisine or dish.
- Have an exit strategy If the evening becomes unbearable, it’s always good to have an exit strategy. You can politely excuse yourself, citing an early start the next day or other engagements. Alternatively, you can arrange to meet up with a friend after dinner, giving you a valid reason to leave early.
- Learn from the experience While having dinner with the wrong person can be uncomfortable, it can also be a learning experience. Take the opportunity to reflect on why you found the evening unpleasant and what you can do to avoid similar situations in the future. You may discover that there are certain types of people or situations that you should avoid.
Going on a date with the wrong person can be an unpleasant experience, but it doesn’t have to ruin your outing. However, it is essential to remember that you can still salvage the experience and make the most of it. One way to do this is by focusing on the positive aspects of the date, such as the new environment or the opportunity to meet someone new. It is also crucial to stay open-minded and avoid jumping to conclusions too quickly. While the date may not be going as you had hoped, you might still learn something valuable from the experience or even make a new friend and it is essential to remember that you are not obligated to continue the date or see the person again if you are truly uncomfortable.